Ed Lucas • Webmaster

ed lucas, webmasterOkay, so he’s not a woman and he doesn’t speak in church much, but he’s made himself useful around here…

Kelli and Ed go back a long way, most certainly since their teenage years at a UCC congregation in San Diego, but legend has it they go back to the early days of Sunday School too. They have been friends in and out of church for over twenty years, and since 2002, they have been an item. In 2004 they finally got married, another of the many experiences at their home church.

After years of witnessing Kelli and friends interacting in school or at church, and as a group of buddies, he had the idea to capture that rapport and community as podcast shows to help their community of clergy friends as they disperse into their various settings of professional work, but also to educate the curious about what their lives are like, and the triumphs and pitfalls along the way.

Ed has been doing web design since 2002, but a persistent thread of self publishing runs back about as long as he’s known Kelli. In the old days it was cassettes of drum performances that no one would want to hear, lovingly wrapped in cassette tray cards made from old school copy and paste techniques. Over the years the recordings and visuals got better. He would say that web design and podcasting is the new form of all that, and now in a collaboration with Kelli, two tracks of his life are in parallel. His hope is to make WomenWhoSpeakInChurch be a great hub of activity and knowledge, and an archive for the participants’ work. Hopefully people coming to WWSIC for one special topic or personality will happily happen into the others here, each with their callings to different aspects of ministry.

Ed does is the webmaster/podcaster for Jubilee Economics Ministries and does other web work for hire or as a volunteer. He has kept his own blog at TAPKAE.com for nearly a decade. He is active at Mission Hills UCC in San Diego and has completed the Mens’ Rites of Passage established by Franciscan Richard Rohr, a pivotal time of spiritual development.

Email Ed regarding WWSIC web matters.

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